Back & Upper Arms Workouts

Back & Upper Arms Workouts

A series of short videos to strengthen your upper back and arms at different levels of difficulty

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Back & Upper Arms Workouts
  • 4A Back - Easy

    When we are working our back and arms we are concentrating on the muscle groups that stabilise our shoulders and shoulder blades. This is an introduction on how to do so.

  • 4B Back - Intermediate

    A bit more demanding exercises to strengthen the muscles around our shoulders and in our upper back.

  • 4C Back - Intermediate

    Some great exercises to strengthen the upper and middle back muscles and open through the chest.

  • 4D Back - Intermediate (with band)

    By adding the slight resistance of the band, the exercises become a little bit more challenging and our muscles have to work a little bit harder.

  • 4E Back - Intermediate

    Being on hands and knees adds another level of difficulty. The correct technique is crucial for those exercises.

  • 4.1 Upper Back + Arms - Easy

    A workout targeting the upper back and arms - suitable for everyone!
    You can do this in a kneeling position; sitting on the floor, chair or fitball or even standing up.

  • 4.2 Upper Back + Arms - Intermediate

    A series of exercises to work on our upper & middle back and our arms.
    Including some Bali vibes!
    Intermediate level of difficulty.
    If you are unable to kneel, you can do these exercises in a sitting position.

  • 4.3 Back - intermediate

    This workout targets the trapezius muscles, lats and triceps. These exercises contain some spinal rotations, so not recommended if you have disc issues.

  • 4.4 Back - intermediate

    A workout for our upper back and our arms; lying on our belly; intermediate level of difficulty.

  • 4.5 Upper Back & Arms

    A short & sweet workout - with some great exercises for our upper back and arms!

  • 4.6 Back - easy

    An easy workout for our upper back - suitable for everyone.

  • 4.7 Back - intermediate

    Exercises for our upper and middle back. If you like you can add a core workout while doing the workout.

  • 4.8 Back - intermediate

    Exercises for our upper back and arms workout. Intermediate level of difficulty. Can be performed in a kneeling position or sitting position.

  • 4.9 Back - easy

    Exercises to strengthen the upper back. Easy level of difficuty.